Hu Shih Quotes

A collection of quotes by Hu Shih.

Hu Shih (1891-1962) was a prominent Chinese philosopher, essayist, and diplomat, best known for his role in promoting modern Chinese literature and vernacular language during the New Culture Movement. Born in Anhui province, Hu Shih attended Cornell University in the United States, where he studied agriculture before switching his focus to philosophy and receiving his Ph.D. in 1917.

Hu Shih returned to China in 1917 and became a leading figure in the New Culture Movement, which aimed to reform Chinese society and promote scientific thinking and democracy. He advocated for the adoption of vernacular Chinese language, known as baihua, as opposed to classical Chinese, which was the standard written language at the time. Hu believed that the use of vernacular language was essential for modernizing China and making its literature accessible to the masses.

Throughout his career, Hu Shih held various academic positions, including the presidency of the Academia Sinica. He also served as China's ambassador to the United States in the 1930s and later as the Republic of China's envoy to India. Hu Shih's diplomatic efforts were focused on countering the influence of communism and advocating for the recognition of the Republic of China as the legitimate Chinese government.

Hu Shih's intellectual contributions had a lasting impact on Chinese literature and language reform. He emphasized the importance of individualism, freedom of expression, and rationalism. His writings and speeches played a crucial role in shaping China's intellectual and cultural landscape during a period of significant social and political change. Hu Shih's work continues to be celebrated and studied in China and beyond.