James Fixx Quotes

A collection of quotes by James Fixx.

James Fixx (1932-1984) was an American author, best known for popularizing the benefits of jogging and running as a form of exercise. Born in New York City, Fixx had a sedentary lifestyle and struggled with obesity and smoking during his younger years. In the early 1970s, he took up running, a decision that led to a significant transformation in his life.

Fixx authored the groundbreaking book "The Complete Book of Running" in 1977, which became an instant bestseller. The book emphasized the physical and mental advantages of running and provided a comprehensive guide for beginners as well as experienced runners.

As an advocate for running, Fixx promoted the importance of fitness and a healthy lifestyle, inspiring millions around the world to take up jogging as a means of staying fit. He also wrote several other books related to running and maintaining physical fitness.

Sadly, on July 20, 1984, at the age of 52, James Fixx passed away while running in Vermont. His death, attributed to a massive heart attack, shocked the running community as Fixx was considered the epitome of fitness. Although his death raised questions about the limits of exercise in preventing heart disease, Fixx's legacy lives on as his contributions continue to inspire people to prioritize their health and embrace an active lifestyle.