Jean le Rond d'Alembert Quotes

A collection of quotes by Jean le Rond d'Alembert.

Jean le Rond d'Alembert was a French mathematician, physicist, and philosopher who lived from 1717 to 1783. Born in Paris, he was abandoned on the steps of a church as an infant but was later recognized and raised by a charitable couple. Despite facing challenges in his early life, d'Alembert demonstrated remarkable intellectual abilities.

D'Alembert made significant contributions to various branches of science and mathematics. In the field of mathematics, he is best known for his work on partial differential equations, partnering with mathematician Pierre Bouguer. Their collaboration resulted in the development of a comprehensive theory of partial differential equations, which had a profound impact on several scientific disciplines.

Furthermore, d'Alembert is remembered for his work in physics and mechanics. He developed the principle of virtual velocities, known as "d'Alembert's principle," which provided a powerful analytical approach to solving problems in classical mechanics. This principle greatly influenced the development of Newtonian physics and helped bridge the gap between mathematics and physics.

Aside from his scientific achievements, d'Alembert was an influential philosopher. He was a prominent figure of the French Enlightenment and contributed to the Encyclopédie, a comprehensive encyclopedia that aimed to disseminate knowledge and promote rational thinking.

Jean le Rond d'Alembert's intellectual prowess and extensive contributions to mathematics, physics, and philosophy have solidified his place as one of the prominent minds of the 18th century.