Jeannette Rankin Quotes

A collection of quotes by Jeannette Rankin.

Jeannette Rankin was an American politician and women's rights advocate. She was born on June 11, 1880, in Missoula, Montana. Rankin became the first woman to serve in the United States Congress when she was elected to represent Montana in the House of Representatives in 1916.

As a member of Congress, Rankin was a vocal advocate for peace and women's suffrage. She famously voted against the United States' entry into both World War I and World War II, firmly believing in the power of diplomacy and non-violence to resolve conflicts. Her pacifist stance brought both admiration and criticism, and she faced significant opposition for her controversial votes.

Rankin's commitment to women's rights extended beyond her congressional career. She participated in the women's suffrage movement and was instrumental in the passage of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote. Throughout her life, she continued to speak out on issues related to gender equality and social justice.

Rankin's political career was not limited to her time in Congress. She ran for Senate in 1918 and 1940 but was unsuccessful on both occasions. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles, Rankin remains an iconic figure in American history, recognized for her pioneering role as a woman in politics and her unwavering commitment to peace and equality. She passed away on May 18, 1973, leaving behind a lasting legacy of advocacy and activism.