Joan of Arc Quotes

A collection of quotes by Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc, born around January 6, 1412, in Domrémy, France, was a courageous figure in the Hundred Years' War between France and England. From an early age, Joan claimed to hear angelic voices instructing her to support Charles VII, the rightful French king, in his fight against English domination. In 1429, at the age of 17, Joan convinced the Dauphin (heir to the French throne) to allow her to lead the French army. She appeared before Charles dressed in men's clothing and demonstrated exceptional military skill and strategic acumen.

Under her inspirational leadership, Joan achieved several military victories against the English, including the lifting of the long-standing English siege on the city of Orléans. Her dedication and influence were instrumental in rallying French morale and pushing for further successes. However, Joan of Arc's military endeavors came to an end in 1430 when she was captured by the Burgundians and handed over to the English.

In 1431, Joan stood trial in Rouen, accused of various charges, including witchcraft and heresy. Despite her determined defense, she was found guilty and condemned to death. At just 19 years old, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake on May 30, 1431.

Joan's unwavering faith, bravery, and military accomplishments made her an iconic symbol of French resistance against foreign invaders. Centuries after her death, she was canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church, and her legacy as "The Maid of Orléans" remains an enduring inspiration.