Joey Skaggs Quotes

A collection of quotes by Joey Skaggs.

Joey Skaggs is an American artist, activist, and prankster known for his elaborate and thought-provoking hoaxes. Born on November 25, 1945, in the Bronx, New York, Skaggs gained prominence in the 1960s and 1970s for his unique approach to performance art.

Skaggs has orchestrated various satirical hoaxes throughout his career that challenge the media, society, and gullibility of the general public. Some of his most famous pranks include the Celebrity Sperm Bank, where he claimed to collect and sell celebrity sperm, as well as the Cathouse for Dogs, presenting a brothel exclusively for dogs. These and many other hoaxes were cleverly crafted to expose social and cultural issues while highlighting the role of the media in perpetuating misinformation.

Beyond his pranks, Skaggs is also recognized as a conceptual artist. His work blurs the boundaries between reality and illusion, often pushing the audience to question their perceptions and assumptions.

Joey Skaggs' unique artistic approach has earned him international acclaim and exhibitions in various prestigious venues, including the New Museum in New York City and Mass MoCA in Massachusetts. With his provocative and humorous projects, Skaggs continues to challenge societal norms and invite critical thinking about media, authority, and the human condition.