Johannes Stark Quotes

A collection of quotes by Johannes Stark.

Johannes Stark (1874-1957) was a German physicist known for his contributions to the field of atomic physics. He was born on April 15, 1874, in Schickenhof, Germany. Stark studied at the University of Munich and later at the University of Würzburg, where he completed his Ph.D. in physics under the guidance of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, the discoverer of X-rays.

Stark's most significant contribution to science was his research on the behavior of electrically charged particles, particularly electrons, within electric and magnetic fields. In 1913, he discovered the phenomenon of "Stark effect" which describes the splitting and shifting of spectral lines in the presence of an electric field. This discovery laid the foundation for understanding the quantum nature of atoms and molecules.

Stark's research in atomic physics earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1919. However, his career took a controversial turn in the 1930s when he became a supporter of the Nazi regime in Germany. Due to his political affiliations, he was appointed as president of the German Research Association (DFG) during the Nazi era. After World War II, Stark faced consequences for his involvement with the Nazi Party, but he was eventually released from internment and continued his scientific work.

Johannes Stark's lasting legacy lies in his discoveries related to the behavior of charged particles in electromagnetic fields, advancing our understanding of atomic and quantum physics.