John C. Calhoun Quotes

A collection of quotes by John C. Calhoun.

John C. Calhoun was an American statesman and political theorist who served as the seventh Vice President of the United States from 1825 to 1832. Born on March 18, 1782, in South Carolina, Calhoun entered politics at an early age and quickly gained recognition for his intelligence and oratory skills. He became a prominent advocate for states' rights and was a vociferous defender of slavery.

Throughout his political career, Calhoun held various positions, including Secretary of War under President James Monroe and Secretary of State under President John Quincy Adams. However, his most significant contributions were made as a senator from South Carolina, where he championed the rights of Southern states and vehemently opposed any measures that threatened the institution of slavery.

Calhoun's political philosophy centered around the idea of "nullification," which asserted that individual states had the right to invalidate federal laws they deemed unconstitutional. He argued that this power was essential to protect the sovereignty and interests of each state.

Although highly respected for his intellect and political acumen, Calhoun's staunch defense of slavery and his commitment to states' rights makes him a polarizing figure in American history. His ideas and beliefs foreshadowed the sectional conflict that would eventually lead to the American Civil War. John C. Calhoun died on March 31, 1850.