John Dryden, Marriage Quotes

A collection of quotes by John Dryden, Marriage.

John Dryden was an influential English poet, playwright, and literary critic, known for his significant contributions to English literature during the Restoration period. Born on August 19, 1631, in Aldwinkle, Northamptonshire, England, Dryden grew up in a Puritan family. He studied at the prestigious Westminster School and later at Trinity College, Cambridge.

Dryden's career began with his poetry, and he swiftly gained recognition for his poetic works such as "Heroic Stanzas" and "Astraea Redux," which celebrated the restoration of King Charles II to the English throne. His versatility as a writer allowed him to excel in various genres, ranging from comedies to tragedies.

Apart from his successful literary endeavors, Dryden had a significant role in shaping the literary climate of his time. In 1668, he was appointed as the first Poet Laureate of England, a position he held for the rest of his life. As a literary critic, Dryden published numerous essays and plays, including his notable work, "An Essay of Dramatic Poesy," which discussed the principles of dramatic writing.

Dryden's personal life was marked by a tumultuous relationship with marriage. After his first wife's death, he married Lady Elizabeth Howard, who had previously been married to his close friend. This marriage resulted in considerable strain, leading to their separation. Despite these challenges, Dryden remained prolific in his writing until his death on May 12, 1700, in London, leaving behind a remarkable literary legacy.