Lester Maddox Quotes

A collection of quotes by Lester Maddox.

Lester Maddox (1915-2003) was an American politician and businessman who served as the 75th Governor of Georgia from 1967 to 1971. Born in Atlanta, Maddox started his career as a restaurant owner known for refusing service to African Americans during the era of segregation. However, he later distanced himself from his past and attempted to promote a more inclusive and tolerant image.

Maddox gained national attention when he became involved in the "Pickrick" restaurant controversy. In 1964, he and his wife, Virginia, refused to serve African American customers in their Atlanta restaurant. This act led to legal challenges and protests, eventually resulting in the closure of the establishment. However, Maddox subsequently ran for governor and won in 1966, capitalizing on support from segregationist groups.

Despite his segregationist background, Maddox surprised many by adopting moderate policies during his governorship. He appointed a significant number of African Americans to state positions, expanded funding for education, and promoted economic development. These actions were seen as an attempt to counter criticism and distance himself from his earlier actions, although some argue they were genuine efforts toward inclusivity.

After his term as governor, Maddox made unsuccessful bids for U.S. president and Congress. He also continued his business career, owning several enterprises and writing books. Lester Maddox passed away on June 25, 2003, leaving behind a complex legacy marked by his segregationist past and subsequent attempts at redemption.