Lillian Hellman Quotes

A collection of quotes by Lillian Hellman.

Lillian Hellman (1905-1984) was an influential American dramatist and screenwriter. Born in New Orleans, Louisiana, she grew up in a financially comfortable Jewish family. Hellman studied at New York University and later Columbia University, where she developed a passion for writing and theater.

Her breakthrough came in 1934 with the play "The Children's Hour," a provocative work that explored themes of scandal, truth, and the consequences of lies. Making a mark for her bold storytelling and sharp dialogue, Hellman went on to write several other successful plays, including "The Little Foxes" (1939), "Watch on the Rhine" (1941), and "The Autumn Garden" (1951).

Hellman's plays often criticized social injustices and delved into complex human relationships. As a talented screenwriter, she also adapted many of her own works for film. Her most famous screenplay was for "The Little Foxes" (1941), starring Bette Davis.

During the anti-communist hysteria of the 1950s McCarthy era, Hellman was blacklisted due to her alleged political affiliations. Constantly defiant, she refused to cooperate with the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) and famously stated, "I cannot and will not cut my conscience to fit this year's fashions." Hellman's bravery and unyielding stance earned her respect as a symbol of integrity and political resistance.

Lillian Hellman's enduring legacy lies in her bold contributions to American theater and her unwavering commitment to political and artistic freedom.