Mahavira Quotes

A collection of quotes by Mahavira.

Mahavira, also known as Vardhamana, was an ancient Indian spiritual leader and the twenty-fourth and last Tirthankara (ford-maker) of Jainism, a significant philosophy and religion in India. He is believed to have been born in the 6th century BCE in Kundagrama, a small town in present-day Bihar, India.

Mahavira was born into a noble Kshatriya family and led a comfortable life in his early years. However, he renounced his luxurious lifestyle at the age of 30 and embarked on a spiritual journey, seeking enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of birth and death. For the next twelve and a half years, he practiced rigorous asceticism, enduring severe penances and meditation to achieve spiritual awakening.

During his quest, Mahavira preached and emphasized the concept of ahimsa, or non-violence, as the cornerstone of Jain philosophy. He taught that all living beings possess a divine soul, and hence, one must practice compassion and avoid causing harm to any living creature. He also emphasized the idea of austerities, truthfulness, and honesty as essential virtues.

Mahavira attracted a large following during his lifetime, and his teachings remained influential even after his death. Jainism grew into a flourishing religious tradition that continues to thrive today, emphasizing self-discipline, renunciation, and the pursuit of spiritual liberation.

Mahavira's life and teachings played a crucial role in shaping the Jain community and its strong emphasis on non-violence, ethics, and compassion towards all beings. His legacy has left a lasting impact on the religious and philosophical landscape of India.