Marva Collins Quotes

A collection of quotes by Marva Collins.

Marva Collins was an influential American educator who dedicated her life to transforming the lives of underprivileged students. Born on August 31, 1936, in Alabama, Collins began her career as a teacher in the Chicago Public Schools system in the 1960s. Frustrated by the failing education system that perpetuated a cycle of low expectations for disadvantaged students, Marva Collins decided to take matters into her own hands.

In 1975, Collins founded the Westside Preparatory School in a poor neighborhood of Chicago. Through her unconventional teaching methods and unwavering belief in her students' abilities, she was able to create a positive and nurturing learning environment for children who had been written off by society. Collins focused on instilling self-confidence, critical thinking skills, and a passion for learning in her students.

Her teaching techniques involved personalized attention, challenging curriculum, and phonics-based reading instruction. Despite facing criticism and opposition, Collins' school garnered national attention as her students consistently achieved exceptional academic results. The success of the Westside Preparatory School demonstrated that poverty or background did not determine educational potential.

Throughout her career, Marva Collins received numerous awards and accolades, including being named one of the 100 Women of the Century by Newsweek. She authored several books, including "Marva Collins' Way" and "Ordinary Children, Extraordinary Teachers." Marva Collins retired in 2008 but continued to advocate for quality education until her passing on June 24, 2015. Her legacy serves as an inspiration for educators worldwide, proving that with dedication and belief in students' potential, every child can succeed.