Meher Baba Quotes

A collection of quotes by Meher Baba.

Meher Baba was an Indian spiritual master who was born on February 25, 1894, in Poona, India, and passed away on January 31, 1969. He was known for his teachings on love, truth, and spiritual evolution. Baba's early life was marked by a series of mystical experiences, leading him to renounce worldly pursuits and dedicate himself to spiritual exploration.

Throughout his life, Meher Baba emphasized the importance of inner transformation and self-realization. He believed that love and spiritual awakening were the keys to achieving true happiness and fulfillment. Baba advocated for a universal understanding of spirituality that transcended religious boundaries, embracing the core principles of divine love and compassion.

Meher Baba's teachings revolved around the concept of "Avatar," which he described as a divine incarnation sent to guide and uplift humanity. He claimed to be the Avatar of the age, a claim that garnered both followers and skeptics. Baba attracted a diverse range of disciples from different backgrounds and religions, including notable individuals like musicians, writers, and spiritual seekers.

In addition to his teachings, Meher Baba was known for his silence, which he maintained from 1925 until his death. Despite his silence, he communicated with his followers through gestures, an alphabet board, and occasional public statements. Baba's spiritual work included extensive travels, humanitarian efforts, and establishing ashrams where his teachings were disseminated.

Today, Meher Baba's influence continues through his writings, recorded messages, and the ongoing work of his followers. His teachings on love, unity, and self-realization have inspired countless individuals on their spiritual journeys.