Michael Polanyi Quotes

A collection of quotes by Michael Polanyi.

Michael Polanyi (1891-1976) was a Hungarian-British polymath and philosopher renowned for his extensive contributions to a wide range of disciplines. Born in Budapest, Hungary, Polanyi studied medicine at the University of Budapest, earning his medical degree in 1913. However, his intellectual pursuits shifted towards the fields of physical chemistry and philosophy, and he went on to obtain a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from the University of Budapest in 1917.

Polanyi became a prominent figure in the scientific community, making significant contributions to the understanding of adsorption and catalysis. He published numerous articles and books on these subjects and held teaching positions in Germany and England throughout the 1920s and 1930s. However, the ascent of Nazi Germany compelled Polanyi and his Jewish wife to flee to England in 1933.

In England, Polanyi shifted his focus from the natural sciences to philosophy and sociology. He became known for his work on the nature of scientific knowledge, particularly his concept of "tacit knowledge," emphasizing the importance of personal involvement and intuitive judgment in scientific inquiry. His ideas challenged the prevailing positivist philosophy of science prevalent at the time.

Polanyi's influential books include "Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy" (1958) and "The Tacit Dimension" (1966), which articulated his ideas on the fundamental role of tacit knowledge in all learning and understanding.

Throughout his life, Polanyi received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to science and philosophy. Today, he is remembered as a thinker who bridged the gap between the philosophy of science and practical scientific inquiry, leaving a lasting impact on both domains.