Michel de Montaigne, Essays Quotes

A collection of quotes by Michel de Montaigne, Essays.

Michel de Montaigne was a French philosopher, essayist, and statesman. Born on February 28, 1533, in the Aquitaine region of France, Montaigne is best known for his collection of essays titled "Essais." He was raised in a wealthy family and received an excellent education, studying law and eventually serving as a magistrate.

Montaigne's main work, "Essais," was first published in 1580 and expanded in subsequent editions. In this collection, he explored a wide range of topics, delving into themes such as wisdom, friendship, education, and human nature. Montaigne is often regarded as one of the pioneers of the essay genre and his writings had a profound impact on later philosophers and writers.

Montaigne adopted a personal and introspective approach to writing, sharing his own thoughts, experiences, and reflections on various subjects. He popularized the use of the term "essay" to describe this type of writing, which derives from the French word essayer, meaning "to try" or "to attempt."

Considered a humanist, Montaigne emphasized the importance of understanding oneself and embracing the diversity of human nature. He expressed skepticism regarding absolute truths and valued open-mindedness, tolerance, and empathetic understanding.

Montaigne served as a mayor of Bordeaux and maintained a productive and influential role in politics throughout his life. He passed away on September 13, 1592, leaving behind a legacy of philosophical and literary contributions that continue to be celebrated and studied to this day.