Morris Dees Quotes

A collection of quotes by Morris Dees.

Morris Dees is an American attorney, entrepreneur, and civil rights activist known for his work in fighting for equality and justice. He was born on December 16, 1936, in Shorter, Alabama. Dees co-founded the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) in 1971, a nonprofit organization dedicated to combating hate, bigotry, and discrimination through litigation, education, and advocacy.

Throughout his career, Dees has taken numerous high-profile legal cases against white supremacist groups, promoting racial equality and combating hate crimes. He played a crucial role in bankrupting several Ku Klux Klan organizations through civil lawsuits, crippling their activities. Dees' legal victories have contributed to curtailing racial violence and advancing civil rights.

Beyond legal battles, Dees has championed educational initiatives to promote tolerance and understanding. Under his leadership, the SPLC established the Civil Rights Memorial Center in Montgomery, Alabama, which commemorates those who lost their lives during the civil rights movement.

In recognition of his efforts, Dees has received numerous awards, including the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Award from the National Education Association and the Salem Award for Human Rights and Social Justice. He has also authored several books, such as "A Season for Justice" and "Hate on Trial," chronicling his experiences in combating hate groups and advocating for justice.