Moses Hadas Quotes

A collection of quotes by Moses Hadas.

Moses Hadas (1900-1966) was an accomplished American scholar and educator, renowned for his expertise in classical languages and literature. Born on January 25, 1900, in Atlanta, Georgia, Hadas displayed a natural aptitude for academia from an early age. He earned his undergraduate degree from Columbia University in 1920 and quickly became immersed in the study of ancient Greek and Latin.

Hadas pursued his passion for classical languages and earned his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1925. He joined the faculty at Columbia University where he would spend the majority of his career. Throughout his tenure, Hadas established himself as a leading authority in the field of classical studies. He authored numerous books and articles, including translations and interpretations of ancient Greek and Roman literature.

Beyond his scholarly contributions, Hadas was also a dedicated educator. He was known for his engaging teaching style, which inspired countless students over the years. Hadas co-founded and edited the popular literary magazine, "The Reviewer," which aimed to bridge the gap between scholars and the general public.

Moses Hadas' impact extends far beyond his academic achievements. His passion for classical languages and literature left an indelible mark on the field of classical studies, inspiring future generations of scholars. Until his death in 1966, Hadas remained an influential figure in academia, leaving behind a legacy of intellectual curiosity and a deep appreciation for the classical world.