Northrop Frye Quotes

A collection of quotes by Northrop Frye.

Northrop Frye (1912-1991) was a renowned Canadian literary critic and literary theorist. Born in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Frye grew up in Moncton, New Brunswick. He earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Toronto and then pursued his graduate studies at Merton College, Oxford.

Frye's works revolutionized the field of literary criticism and established him as one of the most influential theorists of the 20th century. His most famous work, "Anatomy of Criticism" (1957), laid out his groundbreaking ideas on the archetypal patterns found in literature and the theory of literary genres. In this work, Frye argued that literature follows an underlying structure, or "anatomy," that can be analyzed to gain a deeper understanding of literary texts.

Beyond his theories on literary criticism, Frye was also an expert on William Blake, publishing several books and articles on the poet and artist. He saw Blake as a prophetic visionary whose work transcended traditional literary boundaries. Frye's engagement with Blake's ideas further shaped his own theoretical framework.

Throughout his career, Frye held academic positions at various institutions, including Victoria College and the University of Toronto. He received numerous accolades and honors for his contributions to the field of literary studies. Northrop Frye's ideas remain influential in literary scholarship and continue to inspire critical approaches to analyzing and interpreting literature.