Paul Harris Quotes

A collection of quotes by Paul Harris.

Paul Harris is best known as the co-founder of Rotary International, an international service organization that focuses on bringing together leaders from various professions to provide humanitarian services and promote goodwill. Born on April 19, 1868, in Racine, Wisconsin, Harris grew up in Vermont and then later attended the University of Vermont and the Princeton School of Law.

After working as a schoolteacher, a reporter, and a lawyer, Harris embarked on a journey around the world, experiencing different cultures and meeting diverse people. This spirit of global connection and community drove him to establish Rotary International in 1905 in Chicago, Illinois. His vision was to create an organization that fostered meaningful friendships and promoted humanitarian efforts in local communities and beyond.

Paul Harris dedicated his life to Rotary's growth and success, serving as its president from 1910 to 1912 and later becoming the first Rotary International president. Under his leadership, Rotary expanded rapidly and saw the establishment of numerous clubs across the United States and internationally.

Beyond his involvement in Rotary, Harris actively championed public health initiatives and educational advancements. He firmly believed in the power of networking, mentorship, and service above self to make positive changes in society.

Paul Harris passed away on January 27, 1947, leaving behind a legacy of humanitarian service and international goodwill that continues to inspire Rotarians around the world.