Perry Miller Quotes

A collection of quotes by Perry Miller.

Perry Miller (1905-1963) was a prominent American historian and intellectual figure known for his significant contributions to the field of American intellectual and cultural history. Born on February 25, 1905, in Chicago, Illinois, Miller grew up with a strong intellectual curiosity and passion for understanding the development of American thought.

After completing his undergraduate studies at the University of Chicago in 1927, Perry Miller pursued further education at Harvard University. He earned his Ph.D. in 1931, specializing in early American Puritanism. Throughout his career, Miller focused on examining the intellectual history of colonial and early America, emphasizing the influential role of religious ideas and the impact of Puritanism on American society.

As a renowned scholar, Perry Miller wrote and published numerous groundbreaking works, including "The New England Mind: From Colony to Province" (1939) and "Errand into the Wilderness" (1956), both of which are considered seminal texts in American intellectual history. These works contributed to the understanding of the ideological origins of the American Revolution and the subsequent development of American culture.

Miller's scholarship and unique interpretation of Puritan intellectual life significantly influenced the study of American history, inspiring generations of historians and intellectuals. His depth of analysis, engaging writing style, and dedication to intellectual rigor continue to shape the way scholars approach American history and cultural studies.

Tragically, Perry Miller's career was cut short when he passed away on December 9, 1963, at the age of 58. Nonetheless, his exceptional contributions to the field of American intellectual history ensure that his legacy endures as a critical figure in understanding the ideas that shaped early America.