Philip Wylie Quotes

A collection of quotes by Philip Wylie.

Philip Wylie (1902-1971) was an American author, critic, and social commentator, recognized for his influential contributions to the fields of science fiction, social criticism, and popular psychology. Born in Beverly, Massachusetts, Wylie studied at Princeton University, where he became deeply interested in writing and literature.

Wylie gained prominence with his dystopian science fiction novel "Gladiator" (1930), which depicted a future world dominated by fascism and advanced technology. He continued to explore societal and scientific issues in his subsequent works, such as "The Disappearance" (1951), which delved into the mysterious vanishing of all people on Earth and its consequences. His novels often tackled themes of human nature, the dangers of technological advancement, and the potential for disastrous future scenarios.

Beyond science fiction, Wylie's vast body of work included numerous non-fiction books and articles, tackling topics ranging from politics to psychology. He co-authored "Generation of Vipers" (1942), a scathing critique of modern American society, in which he coined the term "momism" to describe excessive maternal influence. His work had a significant impact on public opinion and fostered discussions on social issues during the mid-20th century.

Philip Wylie left a lasting mark on American literature and thought by challenging societal norms and exploring the consequences of human actions. His thought-provoking writings continue to inspire and engage readers to this day.