Phineas Parkhurst Quimby Quotes

A collection of quotes by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby.

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, born on February 16, 1802, in Lebanon, New Hampshire, was an influential figure in the development of the New Thought movement. Quimby was a renowned healer, philosopher, and early pioneer of the mind-body connection. His ideas laid the foundation for what would later become known as the mind-healing movement.

In his early career as a clockmaker, Quimby became intrigued by questions of human existence, consciousness, and the nature of reality. He developed a keen interest in mesmerism and its potential for healing. Through extensive experimentation and self-study, Quimby formulated his own theories on the relationship between mental states, beliefs, and physical health.

Drawing from his belief that illness had psychological origins, Quimby developed a therapeutic method that involved engaging with patients on both intellectual and emotional levels. He emphasized the power of positive thinking and the importance of self-understanding, rejecting traditional medical practice in favor of a more holistic approach.

Quimby's ideas were revolutionary for their time and attracted a devoted following. Among his most notable disciples was Mary Baker Eddy, who later founded the Christian Science movement. Despite facing criticism and skepticism, Quimby's teachings had a lasting impact and contributed to the emergence of the New Thought philosophy.

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby passed away on January 16, 1866, leaving behind a legacy of groundbreaking ideas that continue to shape contemporary mind-body healing practices.