Rabbi Hillel, recorded in Pirkei Quotes

A collection of quotes by Rabbi Hillel, recorded in Pirkei.

Rabbi Hillel was a renowned Jewish scholar and religious leader who lived in the 1st century BCE. Born in Babylonia, Hillel moved to Jerusalem to deepen his knowledge and engage in religious study. He became known for his exceptional wisdom, humility, and benevolence towards all.

Hillel's teachings and ethical principles are recorded in the collection of Jewish ethical teachings called Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers). One of his most famous teachings is the Golden Rule: "What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. This is the whole Torah; the rest is commentary."

Rabbi Hillel established a school known as the House of Hillel, which often engaged in intellectual debates with the rival school, the House of Shammai. Despite their disagreements, Hillel championed a more lenient and compassionate approach to interpreting Jewish law. He believed in making Judaism accessible to all people and emphasized the importance of kindness, ethics, and personal growth.

Hillel's influence extended beyond his lifetime, as his teachings deeply impacted Jewish thought and religious practice. His emphasis on inclusivity, tolerance, and the pursuit of righteousness made him an influential figure in the development of Jewish ethics and morality.

Rabbi Hillel's legacy as a sage, teacher, and advocate for justice continues to inspire and guide Jewish communities worldwide. The stories and wisdom surrounding him serve as a reminder of the significance of compassionate living and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment.