Raël Quotes

A collection of quotes by Raël.

Raël, also known as Claude Vorilhon, was born on September 30, 1946, in Vichy, France. He is a religious leader, author, and founder of the Raëlian Movement.

In 1973, Raël claimed to have had a divine encounter with extraterrestrial beings who entrusted him with a mission to spread their message on Earth. Inspired by this encounter, he founded the Raëlian Movement, which aims to promote peace, human rights, and the development of scientific knowledge. The movement, sometimes referred to as a cult, has gained a following worldwide.

Raël has written numerous books outlining the principles and beliefs of the Raëlian Movement. These books explore topics such as human cloning, genetic engineering, and the creation of an embassy for extraterrestrial beings on Earth. His controversial views and claims have attracted both followers and critics.

Despite facing criticism and controversies, Raël continues to lead the Raëlian Movement and advocate for its principles. His teachings emphasize the importance of individual freedom, non-violence, and environmental consciousness. Raël and his followers actively engage in social causes, including the fight against discrimination and the promotion of sexual freedom.

Overall, Raël remains a controversial figure, admired by some for his spiritual teachings and ideas, while others regard him skeptically.