Richard Nelson Bolles, What Colo Quotes

A collection of quotes by Richard Nelson Bolles, What Colo.

Richard Nelson Bolles was an American author and career counselor, best known for his groundbreaking book "What Color is Your Parachute?". Born on March 19, 1927, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Bolles developed a passion for helping individuals find fulfilling careers.

After graduating from Harvard University in 1950 with a degree in physics, Bolles initially pursued a career in ministry. However, his interest in vocational guidance and counseling soon took over, leading him to pursue further studies in divinity and psychology.

In 1970, Bolles published his most influential work, "What Color is Your Parachute?", which quickly gained immense popularity and became a staple for job seekers worldwide. The book provided practical advice and strategies for finding meaningful work, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection, networking, and skill development.

Throughout his career, Bolles consistently updated and revised the book, eventually shaping it into a comprehensive guide for career planning. His innovative ideas, such as the "flower diagram" and the concept of "transferable skills," revolutionized the field of career counseling.

Richard Nelson Bolles dedicated his life to helping individuals navigate the ever-changing job market and find work that aligns with their passions and talents. His book, translated into multiple languages and selling millions of copies, continues to be a trusted resource for job seekers worldwide. Bolles passed away on March 31, 2017, leaving behind a lasting legacy in the field of career development.