Richard Weaver Quotes

A collection of quotes by Richard Weaver.

Richard Weaver (1910-1963) was an influential American philosopher, writer, and scholar known for his conservative and traditionalist views. Born on March 3, 1910, in Asheville, North Carolina, Weaver grew up in a family deeply rooted in Southern values and traditions. He earned his undergraduate degree at the University of Kentucky and later completed his Ph.D. in literature at Louisiana State University.

Weaver's most notable work is his book, "Ideas Have Consequences," published in 1948. In this seminal work, he expressed his concerns about the decline of Western civilization due to various cultural and philosophical shifts. Weaver argued that modernity's focus on secularism, materialism, and relativism was eroding traditional values, causing societal decay.

Throughout his career, Weaver taught English and rhetoric at various universities, most notably at the University of Chicago. As a professor, he strongly emphasized the importance of language and style in shaping society's values. He sought to revive the study of rhetoric and lamented the increasingly utilitarian approach to education.

Beyond his contributions to philosophy and education, Weaver actively participated in conservative political circles. He condemned what he perceived as the excesses of liberalism and advocated for a return to traditional values and principles.

Richard Weaver passed away on April 1, 1963, leaving a lasting impact on conservative thought and rhetoric. His work continues to be studied and debated by scholars interested in the development of conservative philosophy and its implications for modern society.