Robert Heilbroner Quotes

A collection of quotes by Robert Heilbroner.

Robert Heilbroner (March 24, 1919 – January 4, 2005) was an American economist and historian of economic thought. He was born in New York City and received his undergraduate degree from Harvard University. He went on to earn a Ph.D. in Economics from the New School for Social Research.

Heilbroner's main focus was on the philosophical and historical aspects of economics. He sought to understand the social and moral implications of economic systems and how they shape societies. One of his most famous works is "The Worldly Philosophers: The Lives, Times, and Ideas of the Great Economic Thinkers", which provides a comprehensive and engaging history of economic thought.

Throughout his career, Heilbroner taught at various prestigious institutions, including New School for Social Research, Harvard University, and The New School in New York City, where he became a professor emeritus. He also served as the head of the economics department at the New School for Social Research.

Heilbroner was known for his ability to communicate complex economic ideas to a wide audience, making his work accessible and thought-provoking. He challenged conventional economic theories and advocated for a more inclusive and socially conscious approach to economic analysis.

Robert Heilbroner's contributions to the field of economics and his exploration of the broader implications of economic systems have had a lasting impact, shaping the way many think about economics and its role in society.