Roger M. Keesing Quotes

A collection of quotes by Roger M. Keesing.

Roger M. Keesing (1935-1993) was an influential anthropologist known for his extensive research and contributions to the understanding of Pacific Island cultures. Born on June 2, 1935, in New York City, Keesing dedicated his academic career to exploring the complex dynamics of cultural change and adaptation among indigenous communities.

Keesing obtained his Bachelor's degree in Anthropology from Harvard University in 1956 and went on to earn his Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from the Australian National University in 1964. He then joined the faculty at the University of California, Riverside, where he became a prominent figure in the field of anthropology.

Throughout his career, Keesing conducted extensive fieldwork in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and other Pacific Island nations. He focused on topics such as kinship systems, religion, politics, and the impact of colonialism on indigenous societies. Keesing's work significantly contributed to the understanding of social structures, cultural practices, and the effects of globalization in the Pacific region.

In addition to his fieldwork, Keesing authored numerous scholarly articles and books, including "Custom and Confrontation: The Kwaio Struggle for Cultural Autonomy" and "Melanesian Pidgin and the Oceanic Substrate." His writings continue to be influential in the field of anthropology.

Sadly, Roger M. Keesing passed away on October 7, 1993, leaving behind a lasting legacy in Pacific Island studies and anthropology as a whole.