St. Theresa of Lisieux Quotes

A collection of quotes by St. Theresa of Lisieux.

St. Therese of Lisieux, also known as St. Therese of the Child Jesus or the Little Flower, was a French Carmelite nun who lived from 1873 to 1897. Born as Marie-Francoise-Therese Martin in Alencon, France, she grew up in a deeply religious family. From an early age, Therese desired to fulfill her calling to become a Carmelite nun. At the age of 15, she entered the Carmelite convent in Lisieux.

During her time as a nun, Therese developed a spirituality centered on simplicity and love. She believed in seeking God in the ordinary activities of daily life and called it her "Little Way." Therese emphasized the importance of small acts of love and sacrifice as a means to grow closer to God. She expressed her spiritual insights in her autobiography, "The Story of a Soul," which has become immensely popular and has influenced countless lives.

Therese's humble and childlike approach to faith captivated many, and she became known as the patroness of missionaries. Although she faced physical and emotional challenges before her untimely death at the age of 24, her writings and teachings offered solace and inspiration to countless individuals seeking a deeper spiritual life.

St. Therese was canonized as a saint in 1925 by Pope Pius XI, and she is widely venerated in the Catholic Church. Her feast day is celebrated on October 1st. Her life story and spirituality continue to resonate with people around the world, and she is regarded as one of the most beloved saints of modern times.