Sun Myung Moon Quotes

A collection of quotes by Sun Myung Moon.

Sun Myung Moon was a religious leader and founder of the Unification Church, also known as the Moonies. He was born on January 6, 1920, in what is now North Korea. Moon grew up in a devout Christian family and experienced a spiritual awakening in his teenage years.

In 1954, he established the Unification Church, preaching a unique interpretation of Christianity that aimed to bring about world peace and unite all religions. Moon saw himself as a messianic figure with a divine mission to restore humanity to its original state before the fall of Adam and Eve.

Moon gained a significant following for his charismatic personality and persuasive teachings. He conducted mass weddings, known as "blessings," where thousands of couples from around the world would marry simultaneously to symbolize international harmony.

However, Moon's controversial practices and unconventional teachings often attracted criticism. He faced legal troubles, including a prison sentence in the United States for tax evasion in the 1980s. Despite these challenges, he continued to lead the Unification Church and expand its influence globally.

Sun Myung Moon passed away on September 3, 2012, at the age of 92, leaving behind a complex legacy. While some consider him a religious innovator and peace advocate, others view him as a controversial figure due to his unorthodox doctrines and alleged manipulation of followers.