Thomas J. Watson Quotes

A collection of quotes by Thomas J. Watson.

Thomas J. Watson (February 17, 1874 – June 19, 1956) was an American businessman and the founder of IBM (International Business Machines Corporation). Born in rural New York, Watson showed an early interest in technology and sales. After working for several companies, he joined the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) in 1914, which later became IBM. Watson quickly rose through the ranks and became the company's president in 1915, steering it to become a prominent player in the emerging computing industry.

Under Watson's leadership, IBM grew into a major multinational corporation. He emphasized customer service and employee productivity, pioneering the concept of sales and service departments. One of his notable achievements was successfully transitioning IBM from producing tabulating machines to electronic computers. Watson embraced technological advancements and showcased the company's expertise in the field.

Watson's charismatic and dynamic leadership style made him a celebrated figure in the business world. He often motivated employees with his slogan "Think," which became synonymous with IBM. Additionally, he introduced distinctive sales techniques, such as the "IBM Songbook," a guide for salespeople, and the "Rah-Rah Squad," a group of enthusiastic employees who promoted the company's products and services.

Although he stepped down as IBM's president in 1952, Watson remained actively involved with the company as chairman of the board until his death in 1956. Thanks to his vision and business acumen, Thomas J. Watson played a pivotal role in establishing IBM as a leader in the computing industry and shaping the business landscape of the 20th century.