Thurgood Marshall Quotes

A collection of quotes by Thurgood Marshall.

Thurgood Marshall (1908-1993) was an influential American lawyer and civil rights activist. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, he was the son of a railroad porter and a schoolteacher. Marshall attended Lincoln University, a historically black institution, before enrolling in Howard University Law School. Throughout his education, Marshall faced racial discrimination and segregation, which fueled his determination to fight for equality.

Marshall emerged as a leading figure in the legal battle against racial segregation in the United States. He fought numerous cases challenging the "separate but equal" doctrine established by the landmark 1896 Supreme Court ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson. Marshall believed that racial segregation violated the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution, which guarantees equal protection under the law.

In 1954, Marshall successfully argued the landmark case Brown v. Board of Education before the Supreme Court. The ruling declared that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, overturning the Plessy v. Ferguson precedent. This groundbreaking decision marked a significant victory for the civil rights movement.

Marshall continued his advocacy for civil rights and equal justice as the first African American Supreme Court Justice. Appointed in 1967 by President Lyndon B. Johnson, he served on the Supreme Court for nearly 24 years. Throughout his tenure, Marshall consistently championed the rights of marginalized groups, earning a reputation as a staunch defender of civil liberties and a pioneer for racial equality.

Thurgood Marshall's tireless dedication to dismantling institutionalized racism and his instrumental role in reshaping American society through legal victories made him one of the most influential figures in the fight for civil rights in the 20th century. His legacy continues to inspire generations to fight for justice and equality.