Weldon Kees Quotes

A collection of quotes by Weldon Kees.

Weldon Kees (1914-1955) was an American poet, painter, composer, and filmmaker. He was born in Beatrice, Nebraska, and grew up in the Midwest. Kees attended the University of Nebraska and later the University of Missouri, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in 1935.

Kees first gained recognition as a poet during the 1940s and became associated with the "New Criticism" movement, which emphasized close textual analysis. His poetry often explored themes of isolation, disillusionment, and the meaninglessness of modern life.

In addition to his literary pursuits, Kees was a talented painter and exhibited his artwork in several galleries. He also composed and performed music, and his interest in filmmaking led him to write scripts and direct short films.

Despite his talent and success in various artistic fields, Kees struggled with personal demons. He grappled with feelings of alienation and depression, which were reflected in his work. In 1955, at the age of 41, he disappeared without a trace, leaving behind his car on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. His disappearance remains a mystery, and it is unclear whether Kees committed suicide or staged his disappearance.

Although his body of work was small, Weldon Kees is considered a significant figure in American literature and continues to be appreciated for his evocative poetry and thought-provoking art.