Wen Jiabao Quotes

A collection of quotes by Wen Jiabao.

Wen Jiabao, born on September 15, 1942, in Tianjin, China, is a retired Chinese politician who served as the Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China from 2003 to 2013. He played a crucial role in overseeing the country's economic development during his tenure.

Wen joined the Communist Party of China in 1965 and graduated with a degree in geology from Beijing Institute of Geology in 1968. His early career focused on geological research and teaching. He later obtained a Doctorate in geomechanics from the China University of Geosciences.

In 1982, Wen began his political career and steadily climbed the ranks within the Chinese government. He held several key positions, including Vice Premier and head of the State Council Office for Restructuring the Economic System, where he contributed to economic reform initiatives in the 1990s.

Wen became China's Premier in 2003, leading the State Council, the country's highest administrative authority. During his time in office, he advocated for policies promoting social welfare, rural development, and economic stability. He focused on addressing poverty, unemployment, and improving healthcare and education systems.

Wen was known for his empathetic and humble leadership style, earning him the nickname "Grandpa Wen" among the Chinese people. He gained popularity for his efforts to connect with ordinary citizens and understand their concerns.

After retiring from politics in 2013, Wen has kept a relatively low profile, with limited public appearances and commentaries.