Xenophon Quotes

A collection of quotes by Xenophon.

Xenophon, an ancient Greek philosopher, historian, and military leader, was born around 430 BC in Athens. He is best known for his works on history, philosophy, and education. Xenophon's early years were marked by his participation in the Peloponnesian War as a member of the cavalry, serving under renowned generals such as Agesilaus II. It is believed that he derived his military and leadership experiences during this time, which greatly influenced his subsequent works.

Xenophon's most famous work, "Anabasis", recounts his experiences as a leader during the unsuccessful Persian expedition by the Greek mercenary army known as the Ten Thousand. This account is highly regarded for its historical and geographical accuracy. His other notable works include "Cyropaedia", a fictionalized biography of the Persian ruler Cyrus the Great, which narrates lessons on governance, leadership, and human behavior.

As a philosopher, Xenophon's views were closely associated with the teachings of Socrates. He authored several Socratic dialogues, such as "Memorabilia" and "Apology of Socrates", where he defends his mentor against the charges brought upon him. Xenophon's writings often promote moral and virtuous behavior, highlighting the importance of wisdom, moderation, and duty.

Little is known about Xenophon's later life and death. Some sources suggest he lived in Corinth and undertook agricultural pursuits. Despite the limited biographical information available, Xenophon's works continue to provide valuable insights into ancient Greek history, philosophy, and military tactics.