Yamamoto Tsunetomo, from Hagakur Quotes

A collection of quotes by Yamamoto Tsunetomo, from Hagakur.

Yamamoto Tsunetomo, born in the 17th century, was a samurai and the author of a renowned literary work called "Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai." Born in Satsuma Province, Japan, Tsunetomo was a retainer of the Nabeshima clan, serving as a samurai during the Edo period.

Tsunetomo's most significant contribution is his book, Hagakure, which provides insight into the code of conduct and principles followed by samurais. The book, compiled by Tsunetomo's disciple Tsuramoto Tashiro, offers valuable teachings on loyalty, bravery, honor, and the way of the warrior. It serves as a guide to help samurais navigate their roles in society and face death with dignity.

Due to the decline of the samurai class by the time of its publication in the early 18th century, Hagakure remained relatively unknown for several generations. However, in the early 20th century, it gained popularity and became highly influential, particularly after being introduced to the Western world.

Yamamoto Tsunetomo's work remains a significant source for understanding the values and mindset of the samurai, shedding light on their unwavering dedication, self-discipline, and spiritual commitment. While little is known about Tsunetomo's personal life, his legacy as a samurai philosopher endures through Hagakure, inspiring readers to this day.