Quote by Mother Teresa

If you are joyful, do not worry about lukewarmness. Joy will shine in your eyes and in your look, in your conversation and in your countenance. You will not be able to hide it because joy overflows.

If you are joyful, do not worry about lukewarmness. Joy will


This quote emphasizes the power of joy to radiate through our actions and expressions. It suggests that when we are truly joyful, any lukewarmness or insincerity becomes immaterial. Joy naturally reveals itself in our eyes, conversation, and overall demeanor, making it impossible for us to conceal. It highlights the contagious nature of joy, encouraging us to embrace and share our genuine happiness with others rather than worrying about external perceptions. Ultimately, this quote suggests that true joy is a force that cannot be hidden and has the potential to positively impact those around us.

By Mother Teresa
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