Quote by Andrew Fletcher, From the minute

The Noble Lord advocates Union, what doth such a union mean? When the Smaller unites with the greater, what happens? The greater absorbs and engulfs the lesser, it is ever thus and so will be! There are ten times as many English as Scots. Think you then, when the ten becomes eleven, the eleventh will partner the ten? Or, be swallowed up by the ten? Is this what my Lord of Stair wants? An end to Scotland? The most ancient nation in Christendom, a kingdom when England was but a medley of warring tribes! Scotland, from whence Christianity spread to the English. Scotland, a people with their own Kirk and laws, their freedoms, customs and pride. Is all that for which our forefathers fought for untold generations, to be merely thrown aside for a mess of trading privileges and navigation rights? I would rather that Scotland sank to the bottom of the ocean rather than we lost one least part of our cherished Independence and ages old identity!

The Noble Lord advocates Union, what doth such a union mean?


The quote emphasizes the fear of the Scottish person towards the idea of union with England. The author questions the intentions behind promoting unity and warns against the potential consequences. They argue that a larger group, in this case England, tends to dominate and overshadow the smaller one, Scotland. The speaker values Scotland's history, identity, and independence, expressing a preference for Scotland's destruction over any compromise towards losing its sovereignty. The quote highlights the strong attachment to Scottish heritage and the belief that it should be preserved at all costs.

By Andrew Fletcher, From the minute
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