Quote by Stephen King
The 3 types of terror: The Gross-out: the sight of a severed head tumbling down a flight of stairs, it's when the lights go out and something green and slimy splatters against your arm. The Horror: the unnatural, spiders the size of bears, the dead waking up and walking around, it's when the lights go out and something with claws grabs you by the arm. And the last and worse one: Terror, when you come home and notice everything you own had been taken away and replaced by an exact substitute. It's when the lights go out and you feel something behind you, you hear it, you feel its breath against your ear, but when you turn around, there's nothing there...

This quote by Stephen King explores the three types of terror that evoke fear in different ways. The first type, the gross-out, appeals to our senses with shock and disgust. The horror taps into our fear of the supernatural and the unknown, conjuring up terrifying creatures and situations. However, the ultimate form of terror is when everything familiar and comforting is taken away from us, replaced by something deceptive and unknown. It's the fear of the unseen that leaves us unnerved, imagining the presence of something lurking just out of sight.
By Stephen King