Quote by Yukio Mishima
Amid the moon and the stars, amid the clouds of the night, amid the hills which bordered on the sky with their magnificent silhouette of pointed cedars, amid the speckled patches of the moon, amid the temple buildings that emerged sparkling white out of the surrounding darkness - amid all this, I was intoxicated by the pellucid beauty of Uiko's treachery.

This quote describes a mesmerizing scene, where the narrator is surrounded by nature's wonders such as the moon, stars, clouds, and hills. Amidst this ethereal backdrop, the narrator becomes captivated by Uiko's beautiful yet deceitful actions. The juxtaposition of natural beauty and Uiko's treachery creates a sense of intoxication, implying that even amidst the splendor of the world, the allure of betrayal can be captivating.