Quote by Julie Hardesty
Authentic Love - When you truly love another human being, you extend to them the dignity of risk. Love them without fear and embrace them without restrictions. Accept them without wanting them to change to your ideas of their person-hood. Watch them evolve and grow into the realization of their own potential. There comes a time when you recognize they need to journey on without you. Love them enough to let them go. Bless them and release them.

This quote emphasizes the essence of authentic love, which is rooted in offering unconditional acceptance and support to another person. It highlights the importance of allowing individuals to be their true selves without trying to mold them into our own expectations. True love entails taking emotional risks, embracing someone without limitations, and enabling their personal growth and self-realization. It underscores the significance of recognizing when someone needs to pursue their own path and having the humility and compassion to let them go, while still offering them blessings and releasing them with love.