Quote by Jane Austen

Cu siguranta, nu-l ura. Nu, ura trecuse cu mult timp in urma si cam tot de atunci se nascuse senzatia de rusine pentru ca avusese fata de el un sentiment care s-ar fi putut numi astfel. Respetul fata de el, generat de credinta ca avea calitati de pret, desi cu greu acceptat la inceput, incetase de la un timp a-l mai considera in neconcordanta cu simtamintele ei, iar acum respectul acesta crescuse, se modificase, devenise un soi de prietenie, datorita marturiilor ce-i fusesera atat de favorabile si datorita luminii atat de bune in care se plasase in ziua aceea. [...] Il respecta, il stima, ii era recunoscatoare, ii dorea numai binele, ar fi vrut doar sa stie cat dorea el ca binele acela sa fie legat de ea si in ce masura ar fi fost spre fericirea amandurora sa-si foloseasca puterile, pe care-si imagina ca inca le mai are, pentru a-l face sa-si reinnoiasca cererea.

Cu siguranta, nu-l ura. Nu, ura trecuse cu mult timp in urma


In this quote, the speaker reflects on their evolving feelings towards someone they once had a sense of hatred for. Over time, that hatred transformed into a feeling of shame due to a past emotional attachment. However, as the speaker encountered positive testimonials and observed the person's admirable qualities, their respect and admiration for them grew. It developed into a sort of friendship, filled with gratitude and a desire for their well-being. The speaker wonders about the extent to which this person desires their happiness, and if they should use their remaining powers to renew their relationship.

By Jane Austen
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