Quote by Martin Luther
The Devil beget darkness; darkness beget ignorance; ignorance beget error and his brethren; error beget free-will and presumption; free-will beget works; works beget forgetfulness of God; forgetfulness beget transgression; transgression beget superstition; superstition beget satisfaction; satisfaction beget the mass-offering; the mass-offering beget the priest; the priest beget unbelief; unbelief beget hypocrisy; hypocrisy beget traffic in offerings for gain; traffic in offerings for gain beget Purgatory; Purgatory beget the annual solemn vigils; the annual vigils beget church-livings; church-livings beget avarice; avarice beget swelling superfluity; swelling superfluity beget fulness; fulness beget rage; rage beget license; license beget empire and domination; domination beget pomp; pomp beget ambition; ambition beget simony; simony beget the pope and his brethren, about the time of the Babylonish captivity.

This quote suggests a chain of negative consequences that stem from darkness and the influence of the Devil. It argues that darkness leads to ignorance, which in turn leads to various errors and misguided beliefs. These errors further give rise to free-will, presumption, and a sense of entitlement. This entitlement then manifests in various actions that lead to forgetting God and transgressions. It continues by illustrating how transgressions give birth to superstition, which leads to rituals and offerings. Gradually, this becomes a source of financial gain and corruption within the church hierarchy. Ultimately, it claims that this corruption results in the rise of Purgatory, religious practices driven by materialistic motives, and abuses of power within the church.