Quote by John Townsend Trowbridge

For me the diamond dawns are set In rings of beauty, And all my ways are dewy wet With pleasant duty.

For me the diamond dawns are set In rings of beauty, And all


This quote expresses the individual's perspective on life and how they perceive everyday moments. The mention of "diamond dawns" represents the beginning of each day, which the individual sees as precious and beautiful. The phrase "rings of beauty" implies that these moments are surrounded by a sense of aesthetics. Additionally, the reference to "pleasant duty" suggests that the individual feels a sense of purpose and fulfillment in carrying out their daily responsibilities, as if their life is refreshed and rejuvenated, symbolized by being "dewy wet." Overall, the quote portrays an optimistic and appreciative outlook towards life's simple pleasures.

By John Townsend Trowbridge
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