Quote by Kathleen Sebelius

More than five million seniors have already saved money on their prescription drugs, and almost 33 million have benefited from free preventive services. The president cracked down hard on Medicare and health care fraud, recovering a record-breaking $10.7 billion over the last three years, protecting our seniors. That's what change looks like.

More than five million seniors have already saved money on t


This quote highlights the success of the president's healthcare initiatives, particularly in relation to seniors. It emphasizes the positive impact on seniors' lives by stating that over five million seniors saved money on prescription drugs and 33 million received free preventive services. The quote also highlights the administration's efforts in combating Medicare and healthcare fraud, resulting in a record-breaking recovery of $10.7 billion over three years. By showcasing these achievements, the quote suggests that the "change" brought about by the president translates into tangible benefits and protection for seniors.


By Kathleen Sebelius
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