Quote by Catullus, Poem V, the kissing po
Give me a thousand kisses, then a hundred, Then another thousand, then a second hundred, Then still another thousand, then a hundred, Then, when weda mi basia mille, deinde centum, dein mille altera, dein secunda centum, dein cum milia multa fecerimus conturbabimus illa ne sciamus

In this quote, the speaker is expressing their desire for an endless and overwhelming abundance of kisses. They request a thousand kisses, followed by a hundred, and then repeat this pattern multiple times. The idea is to immerse themselves in a continuous flow of affection without ever pausing or keeping count. By "conturbabimus illa ne sciamus," which roughly translates to "let us confuse the count so that we lose track," the speaker wishes to indulge in the pleasure of such affection without being burdened by the quantification of it.