Quote by Langston Hughes
Good morning, daddy!Ain't you heardThe boogie-woogie rumbleOf a dream deferred?Listen closely:You'll hear their feetBeating out and beating out a -You thinkIt's a happy beat?Listen to it closely:Ain't you heardsomething underneathlike a -What did I say?Sure,I'm happy!Take it away!Dream BoogieHey, pop!Re-bop!Mop!Y-e-a-h!

This quote is a excerpt from Langston Hughes' poem "Dream Boogie". It depicts a conversation between a child addressing their father in the morning. The child asks if their father can hear the restless energy and "boogie-woogie rumble" of a dream that has been delayed or deferred. The child suggests that underneath the apparent happiness of an upbeat rhythm, there is a deeper longing and frustration. The repeated exclamations of phrases like "Hey, pop!" and "Y-e-a-h!" express the child's excitement but also potentially point to a desire for the father's attention and understanding.