Quote by A. Fuadi
Guru yang baik bagaikan petani. Mereka menyiapkan bahan dan lahan belajar di kelas, memelihara bibit penerus bangsa, menyirami mereka dengan ilmu, dan memupuk jiwa mereka dengan karakter yang luhur. Guru yang ikhlas adalah petani yang mencetak peradaban.

Quote in English: "A good teacher is like a farmer. They prepare the materials and learning space in the classroom, nurture the seeds of future generations, water them with knowledge, and fertilize their souls with noble character. A sincere teacher is a farmer who cultivates civilization." Explanation: This quote compares a good teacher to a farmer, highlighting the essential role they play in shaping the minds and characters of students. Just as a farmer prepares the land, a teacher prepares the learning environment. They nurture and care for the students, providing them with knowledge and guiding them towards developing a noble character. A dedicated teacher is compared to a skilled farmer, as they are both responsible for nurturing growth and ultimately cultivating a better society.