Quote by Albert Einstein
Honestly, I cannot understand what people mean when they talk about the freedom of the human will. I have a feeling, for instance, that I will something or other; but what relation this has with freedom I cannot understand at all. I feel that I will to light my pipe and I do it; but how can I connect this up with the idea of freedom? What is behind the act of willing to light the pipe? Another act of willing? Schopenhauer once said: Der Mensch kann was er will; er kann aber nicht wollen was er will (Man can do what he will but he cannot will what he wills).

This quote by Albert Einstein reflects his struggle to understand the concept of human freedom and the connection between our will and our actions. He questions the true meaning of freedom and finds it difficult to comprehend how his will to perform a specific action, like lighting a pipe, relates to the idea of freedom. He mentions Schopenhauer's statement that a person can do what they want, but they cannot control what they want. Thus, Einstein appears to indicate that although we can control our actions, our desires and motivations are not entirely within our grasp.